Всяка транспортна фирма има назначен на трудов договор Ръководител на транспортна дейност, за което е положил изпит и е придобил професионална компетентност. Без тази длъжност лиценз не може да бъде издаден. Той какво казва? Нали за това му се плаща?
п.с. айде да не спамя:
Does the new legislation apply to self-employed workers? How are these workers identified?
The situation for self-employed workers remains unchanged:
• They are not covered by the rules governing posting of workers and, therefore, are not bound by the duty of declaration, whether under common law or under the specific provisions governing inland transport.
• The status of self-employed workers remains entirely independent from the new rules set out in the French Transport Code. No specific documents are required as proof of self-employed status. However, in the event of an inspection, it may be useful to provide a document confirming that the party in question has self-employed status, as governed by the legislation of the self-employed worker’s country of residence.